3CX Multi-Tenant and Starter Bundle
3CX have provided the option to install 3CX with the ability to service multiple companies within a single 3CX instance, utilising Departments. This requires a NEW UN-ACTIVATED 3CX 16SC or above to deploy and maintain. 3CX must be installed in a particular way to achieve the required departmental isolation, and the 3CX instance needs to be maintained in the correct manner to preserve departmental (customer) isolation.
3CX provide a full setup guide here.
3CX will be encouraging all 3CX Partners to utilise this method of deployment for smaller customers previously serviced by 4SC and 8SC instances.
3CX Multi-Tenant requires a reasonable level of 3CX and hosting knowledge as partners are required to host/deploy and maintain 3CX Multi-Tenant themselves.
Neither 3CX or Yellowgrid offer hosting services for 3CX Multi-Tenant at this time.
For those partners who are not comfortable deploying and maintaining their own cloud infrastructure, Yellowgrid have provided 3CX Starter Bundle which utilises 3CX Multi-Tenant technology to provide a per extension cost model from as little as £5/month for partners wishing to offer 3CX to micro businesses.
With just a few clicks, you can deploy a fully functional 3CX phone system to a new customer, providing them with a new number capable of servicing inbound/outbound calls within less than 5 minutes, via your Yellowgrid Customer Portal.
For more information on the 3CX Starter Bundle and what it can do for you, visit our page or contact us !
Want a feel for our products? There are more videos available on our Yellowgrid YouTube Channel.
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Looking for more information? No problem, contact us on 03330144340 or sales@yellowgrid.co.uk.